Remove blighted landscape and reveal handsome castle - tear it down or go to jail.

Maybe it's the use of "organic" materials in the hay bales that is appealing to the 21st Century British bureaucrat. In any case, I gather that these wonderfully eccentric 18th century British follies have fallen into disfavor.

Maybe it's the use of "organic" materials in the hay bales that is appealing to the 21st Century British bureaucrat. In any case, I gather that these wonderfully eccentric 18th century British follies have fallen into disfavor.
I had to look up "idgit" at the urban dictionary. I always thought it was spelt with a "J"...
The "folies" link isn't working at the moment. Maybe the UK's imams finally got the internet banned there too.
Like your blog, keep up the good work.
That's odd - The Follies link is working for me. Maybe the imams are at work right here in the USA, covering limited geographical areas. They could be confusing the Folies Bergeres with architectural follies and thus highly motivated.
Anyway, if your interested in flights of architectural fancy you can Google Follies+Britain.
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